Firefighting Wiki
Firefighting Wiki


Williamson County ESD No. 1 was formed in 2005 to provide funding to the Coupland Volunteer Fire Department. In 2017, voters approved the expansion of the District to include the area serviced by the Thrall Volunteer Fire Department.

Williamson County ESD No. 1 Fire Department was formed in 2022 when the ESD merged the operations of the Coupland and Thrall Volunteer Fire Departments.

In 2023 the ESD annexed that portion along its western boundary previously known as the Taylor Fire District, and served by the Taylor Volunteer Fire Department.

Fire Stations[]

Station Address In Service Notes
1 403 FM 1466 2022-Present Former Coupland VFD Station.
2 214 South Main Street 2022-Present Former Thrall VFD Station.

Apparatus Roster[]

All pump/tank measurements are in US gallons.

Station 1 - 403 FM 1466, Coupland[]

Station 2 - 214 South Main Street, Thrall[]

Station/Assignment Unknown[]

2009 Ford F-750 4x4 / Emergency Vehicles of Texas (250/1000) (Ex-Coupland)
2007 Ford F-250 4x4 (Ex-Coupland)
2005 International 4000 Series / Pierce Contender (1250/1500) (SN#16200) (Ex-Coupland)
2005 Ford F-450 4x4 (?/400) (Ex-Thrall)
2004 Ford F-550 4x4 / Pierce (300/500) (SN#7101-05203887) (Ex-Coupland)
2001 International 4900 / Central States (1000/1000) (Ex-Coupland) (Ex-Round Rock Fire Department)
2001 Dodge Ram 3500 4x4 (?/300) (Ex-Coupland)
201? Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 (Ex-Coupland)
1998 Ford F-Series / E-One (1250/1200) (SN#19749) (Ex-Thrall)
1996 Ford F-750 / Westex (500/1500) (Ex-Thrall) (Ex-Round Rock Fire Department)
1989 Ford F-Series 4x4 (250/300) (Ex-Coupland) (Ex-West I-10 Volunteer Fire Department)
1985 Chevrolet C30 (?/400) (Ex-Thrall)
1979 Dodge (500/3000) (Ex-Coupland) (Ex-Pflugerville Fire Department, ex-Jollyville Fire Department, ex-Weir Volunteer Fire Department (Texas))