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The Snorkel is an aerial firefighting device developed by the Pitman Manufacturing Company.

Overview & History[]

In 1958, the Pitman Manufacturing Company built an experimental new aerial device for the Chicago Fire Department. This device provided a semi-enclosed platform or basket on the end of a 50'articulating boom. Plumbing ran along the boom to supply water to a master stream device on the platform. The base was mounted on a turn-table mounted to the truck. Originally called the "giraffe", it soon received the nickname "snorkel" and the name stuck. (A side note, as to how it got the name "snorkel" in the first place; it's reported that when some firefighters were fighting a fire while in the basket of the aerial, so much water was splashing back on them, that they said they said they wished they were wearing snorkels).

The new aerial offered a maneuverable elevated master stream and a way to provide aid to victims that were in a location difficult to reach with a conventional aerial ladder. The platform also allowed for the rescue of individuals who may not have been able to safely climb down a ladder. In 1959 Pitman established a separate division, the Snorkel Fire Equipment Company to sell these new aerials to fire departments. Pierce Manufacturing had a long-running partnership with Snorkel in the 1960s and 70s, being one of the first/main builders of many units over several years.

The Snorkel was initially available in 50', 65', and 85' lengths. A 75' model was added in 1962. In 1970 the 50' model was replaced by an improved 55' version.

Sales of articulating boom aerial platforms had declined by the 1990s, and production of the Snorkel ended around 2000. In 2014 the Ladder Tower Company acquired Snorkel, and once again began to offer the Snorkel in 55', 66', 75' and 85' models.

Snorkel became synonymous with the articulating boom aerial platform and several other manufacturers would attach the snorkel name to their own articulating aerial devices.


  • 1959 - The first Pitman Snorkel was build for the Chicago Fire Department, but it was refused because of its length. The apparatus was successfully sold to the Bedford Park Fire Department. The apparatus was a 1959 GMC 6x4 / Pierce aerial (-/-/65' Snorkel) [1]
  • 1962 - The Winnipeg Fire Department acquired the first 3 section, 90' Snorkel.


  1. Bedford Park Fire Department History October 31, 2013 Larry Shapiro


  • Barrett, Paul R. Elevating Platforms. Hudson, WI: Iconografix, 2006. ISBN 1583881646
  • McCall, Walter M.P. The Evolution of Aerial Fire Apparatus. Hudson, WI: Iconografix, 2009. ISBN 1583881646
  • McCall, Walter M.P. Illustrated Encyclopedia of American Fire Engine Manufacturers. Hudson, WI: Iconografix, 2007. ISBN 9781583882528