Firefighting Wiki

Area Served[]

The Service de Sécurité Incendie de Saint-Georges serves the municipalities of Saint-Georges and Notre-Dame-des-Pins. The department covers a population of 33 511 citizens and an area of 227.49 km2.


Fire Stations[]

Station Address In Service Notes
Caserne de l'Est 2e Avenue @ 121e Rue (2e Avenue @ 21e Rue Saint-Albert at the time) ? - 1965 Demolished
1 11700, boulevard Lacroix 1965 - 2021

Apparatus Roster[]

All pump/tank measurements are in Imperial gallons.

Caserne 1 - 12265, boulevard Lacroix[]

Built 2021

  • Unité 201 (08-08) - 2008 Ford F-550 XLT / Maxi Métal mini-pumper (350/325/15A/15B&ARFF/CAFS)
  • Unité 401 (16-??) - 2016 E-One Cyclone II aerial (1250/215/35A/100' rear-mount platform) (SO#139838)
  • Unité 501 (17-11) - 2017 Ford F-350 XL 4x4 / 2004 Cargobody rescue/salvage
  • Unité 601 (19-05) - 2019 Pierce Saber FR 6010 / Maxi-Métal MaxiSaber pumper/tanker (1050/1500/35F/CAFS) (Pierce SN#33059)
  • Unité 801 (17-10) - 2017 Ford F-250 XL 4x4 / Leer utility
  • Unité 901 (19-09) (Prevention) - 2019 Dodge Caravan
  • Unité 1001 (12-06) - 2012 Ford E-450 / Girardin / FD-built minibus command post [1]
  • Unité 1101 (14-18) - 2014 Freightliner M2 106 / Maxi Métal walk-in rescue/operational support unit/equipment truck [2]
  • Unité 1801 - 200? Mercury zodiac rescue boat (#QC2730931)
  • Unité 1802 - 199? Princecraft rescue boat (#QC889051)
  • Unité 1901 - 2018 Atlas Trailer / FD-shops hazmat/decon trailer
  • Unité 6001 (02-12) - 2002 Mack MR688S / Maxi Métal pumper/tanker (1050/1500/20A/CAFS)
  • Unité 8001 (14-17) - 2014 Ford F-150 XL 4x4 utility (Ex-Unité 801)
  • Unité 9001 (24-13) (Prevention) - 2024 GMC Terrain AWD
  • (03-16) - 2003 Bombardier Quest 4x4 ATV off-road rescue (Ex-Saint-Georges police department)
  • 200? Bombardier 800 snowmobile off-road rescue (Ex-Saint-Georges police department)
  • 200? Off-road rescue trailer (Ex-Saint-Georges police department)
  • 199? Princecraft rescue boat
  • Generator trailer

Caserne 2 - 1500, boulevard Dionne[]

Built 1967

  • Unité 602 (12-02) - 2012 Spartan Metro Star MFD / Maxi Métal pumper/tanker (1050/1500/30A/CAFS)

Caserne 3 - 185, rue de la Sapinière, Saint-Jean-de-la-Lande[]

  • Unité 203 (01-01) - 2001 Ford F-550 XLT / Maxi Métal mini-pumper (275/300/15A/15B&ARFF/CAFS) (Ex-Unité 204, ex-Unité 202)

Caserne 4 et Centre de formation  - 1812, 95e Rue[]

Built 1987

  • Unité 604 (95-03) - 1995 Mack MR688P / Maxi Métal pumper/tanker (1050/1500/10A/CAFS)
  • Parade - 1938 Ford 2-Tons / Richelieu pumper (420/300) (Sold to Saint-Zacharie, and re-acquired by Saint-Georges) (199? Maxi Métal refurb)

On Order[]

  • 2024 Pierce Saber FR 6010 / Maxi Métal pumper/tanker (1250/1500/30A/CAFS)

Retired Apparatus[]

  • (07-04) - 2007 Dodge Caliber prevention
  • (04-13) - 2004 Ford F-350 4x4 / Cargobody rescue/salvage (Canopy remounted on a 2017 Ford F-350 4x4)
  • (00-10) - 2000 International 4700 Lo-Profile / Road Rescue walk-in rescue (Ex-Sarasota County Fire Department) (Sold to Saint-Martin–Saint-René–Saint-Théophile)
  • (99-05) - 1999 Mack MR688S / Lafleur / Maxi Métal / 1970 Thibault ladder / CET ladder refurb aerial (840/500/15F/CAFS/100' rear-mount) (SN#1317) [3] (Sold to Rougemont)
  • (98-11) - 1998 Freightliner FL 80 / 1974 Ideal box / Maxi Métal refurb walk-in equipment
  • (97-16) - 1997 Ford Crown Victoria chief
  • (96-09) - 1996 Ford F-350 4x4 / Maxi Métal snuffer (250/200/5A/CAFS)
  • (94-20) - 1994 GMC Vandura van rescue
  • (93-07) - 1993 Mack MR688P / Maxi Métal pumper/tanker (1050/1500/10A/CAFS) (Damaged by fire on July 5th 2019)
  • (87-06) - 1987 International 1652 / Poudrier step van command (ex-Hydro Québec)
  • 1974 International LoadStar / Ideal walk-in equipment
  • 1970 GMC T7500 / Thibault / 1990 CET aerial (840/-/100' mid-mount ladder) (Second configuration) (Ladder remounted on a 1999 Mack MR688S)
  • 1970 GMC T7500 / Thibault aerial (-/-/100' mid-mount ladder) (First configuration)
  • 1967 GMC T6000 / Thibault pumper (625/500) (SN#T67-221)
  • 1966 International VCO190 / Thibault pumper (840/500)
  • 196? Chevrolet C20 Panel rescue
  • 196? generator/light trailer
  • 196? Thibault trailer pump (625/-)
  • 1958 Chevrolet Viking 60 / Thibault pumper (625/400) (Pump SN#392606)
  • 1947 Studebaker M16 / 1939 Bickle-Seagrave pump / 1958 Thibault walk-around rescue/hose wagon (500+125PTO/300)
  • 1941 GMC 100 / 194? FD-Built / 1939 Bickle-Seagrave pump utility (500/-)
  • 1939 Bickle-Seagrave trailer pump (500/-) (SN#1436) (Towed by the 1938 Ford 2-Ton, remounted on a 1941 GMC 100 and remounted a second time on a 1947 Studebaker)
  • 191? manual pump


  1. This command post was the first of its genre in the province for its interior configuration. It can serve as a crew transport unit or a command post because seats are facing each other. The truck was designed and made by fire department and public works employees. The town won a price at the 2014 Ovation municipale gala for the truck itself.
  2. This truck carries all bunker gear for the four stations, as well as support equipment like lights, SCBAs, spare bottles and a generator.
  3. The ladder was originally on the 1970 GMC T6500 / Thibault aerial, it was refurbished a first time on the original chassis by Échelles C.E. Thibault (CET). It was remounted on the 1999 Mack MR688S by CET on a brand new Mack MR688S in 1999, they also did the pump and tank, Industries Lafleur did the new bodywork. Maxi Métal finally refurbished the pump and added the foam and CAFS system.

External Links[]

Service de Sécurité Incendie Saint-Georges

Station Map[]

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