Firefighting Wiki

Area Served[]

The Novato Fire Protection District provides fire protection and emergency medical services for the City of Novato and the surrounding unincorporated area, located in the North Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Are, in Marin County, Northern California. The city's name is Spanish for the early Christian Saint Novatus. Established on July 6, 1926, the District encompasses an area covering 71 square miles and serves a population of approximately 65,000 inhabitants. A five-person Board of Directors elected by the citizens for four-year terms governs the District. The Novato Fire Protection District is bordered by the unincorporated community of Lakeville in Sonoma County to the northeast; the Sonoma Mountain Range to the east; San Pablo Bay to the southeast; the Las Gallinas Valley to the south, the unincorporated community of Lucas Valley-Marinwood to the southwest; the unincorporated community of Nicasio to the west-southwest; and the City of Petaluma to the north.

Mutual Aid[]

The Novato Fire Protection District has mutual aid agreements with, among others, the Marinwood CSD Fire Department, the Nicasio Volunteer Fire Department, the San Rafael Fire Department (California)

Department Profile[]

The Novato Fire Protection District is budgeted for 96 full-time fire suppression employees, including a non-sworn administrative staff, working three alternating 24-hour shifts out of five fire stations. Staffed front line apparatus include; five engine companies, one cross-staffed tiller operated ladder truck company, two paramedic rescue ambulances and one battalion chief vehicle. The District also cross-staffs four Type 3 wildland units, one surge and two reserve paramedic rescue ambulances, one water tender, and several utility vehicles.

California Task Force 4[]

The Novato Fire Protection District is a member agency of California Task Force 4 (CA-TF4).


In June 1894, fire protection for the small town of Novato was provided by the Novato Fire Volunteer Department. On July 6, 1926, the Novato Fire Protection District was officially established.

Apparatus Roster[]

  • All pump/tank measurements are in US gallons.
  • California License Plate denoted by CA#

Administration - 65 Rowland Way[]

Station 61 (Redwood) - 7025 Redwood Boulevard, Novato[]

  • Engine 61 - 2007 Spartan Gladiator (1500/500/20A)
  • Battalion 61 - 2009 GMC Yukon XL 4x4 (CA#1291622) (VIN#1GKGK46K29R142713)
  • Water Tender 61 - 2007 Freightliner M2 106 / Hi-Tech (CA#1272282) (VIN#1FVACYDJ37HY88692)
  • Medic 61 (ALS) - 2007 Ford E-450 / Wheeled Coach Type III (CA#1274371) (VIN#1FDXE45P27DA73382)
  • K9 61 -
  • Battalion 62 (Reserve) - 2009 GMC Yukon XL 4x4 (CA#1291624) (VIN#1GKGK46K29R142727)
  • Battalion 63 (Reserve) -
  • Medic 66 (Reserve) -
  • Engine 67 (Reserve) -
  • Engine 661 (Reserve) - 2001 International 4800 4x4 Type 3 wildland (CA#1092915) (VIN#1HTSEADN21H285554) (Ex-Engine 663, ex-Engine 665)

Station 62 (Atherton) - 450 Atherton Avenue, Novato[]

  • Engine 62 - 2003 Spartan Gladiator / Hi-Tech (1500/500/20A) (CA#1158611) (VIN#4S7AT2F913C043115) (Ex-Engine 65)
  • Medic 62 (Surge/Reserve) - 2007 Ford E-450 / Wheeled Coach Type III (CA#1274370) (VIN#1FDXE45P67DA73384) (only placed into service when medic 61 & medic 65 are unavailable)

Station 63 (San Marin) - 65 San Ramon Way, Novato[]

  • Engine 63 - 2018 Spartan Gladiator / Hi-Tech (1500/500/20A) (CA#1465978) (VIN#4S7AT2E99JC085269)
  • Medic 63 (Reserve) - 2001 Ford E-450 / Wheeled Coach Type III (CA#1042978) (VIN#1FDXE45F01HA96134)
  • Utility 63 -
  • Engine 663 - 2007 International 7400 4x4 / West-Mark Type 3 wildland (500/500/20A)

Station 64 (Ignacio) - 319 Enfrente Road, Novato[]

  • Engine 64 (cross staffed with T64) - 2019 Spartan Gladiator / Smeal (CA#1586319) (VIN#4S9AEETB4KS419546)
  • Truck 64 (cross staffed with E64) - 2013 Spartan Gladiator / Crimson (-/-/103' tractor-drawn) (CA#1411698) (VIN#4S7AU2E9XDC076355) (Ex-Truck 65)
  • Medic 64 (Reserve) - 2016 Ford E-450 / Wheeled Coach Type III (CA#1515445)
  • Engine 664 - 2004 International 7400 4x4 / West-Mark Type 3 wildland (500/500/20A) (CA#1196064) (VIN#1HTWEADR04J021640) (Ex-Engine 663)

Station 65 (Hamilton) - 5 Bolling Drive, Novato[]

Dedicated 2004

  • TAM 3 - 202? Ford F-450 / Reading (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • Crew 3A (TAM3A) - 2024 International MV607 / BME crew transport (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • TAM 3B - 201? Ford F-550 4x4 Type 6 wildland (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • TAM 4 - 202? Ford F-450 / Reading (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • Crew 4A (TAM4A) - 2008 International 4400 / Placer crew transport (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • TAM 4B - 20?? Ram 5500 / Reading (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • Superintendent 15 - 2006 Ford F-250 / Reading (Tamalpais Fire Crew, owned and operated by Marin County Fire Department)
  • Rescue 64 (Reserve) -
  • Engine 65 - 2007 Spartan Metro Star (1500/500/20A)
  • Medic 65 (ALS) -
  • Utility 65 -
  • Engine 665 - 2019 International 7400 4x4 / Hi-Tech Type 3 wildland (1000/500/20F)

Station/Assignment Unknown[]

  • Engine 66 - 2008 Spartan Gladiator / Hi-Tech (CA#1272360) (VIN#4S7AT2F918C059709)
  • 2003 Spartan Gladiator (CA#1158610) (VIN#4S7AT2F9X3C043114) (Ex-Engine 63)
  • 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4 (CA#1114194) (VIN#1GNEK13Z52J237779)

Retired Apparatus[]

  • 2008 International 4400 / Placer crew transport (Ex-Tamalpais Fire Crew, ex-Crew 15A) (Returned to Marin County)
  • (CA#055597) (Ex-Engine 62, ex-Engine 64)
  • 1998 Spartan Gladiator GA41M-2142 / Hi-Tech pumper (1500/500/30A/30B) (SN#92698) (CA#349728) (Ex-Engine 61, ex-Engine 6181)
  • / Hi-Tech pumper (CA#299949) (Ex-Engine 66, ex-Engine 61)
  • 1995 Spartan Gladiator GA41M-2142 / Hi-Tech pumper (1500/500/30A/30B) (SN#92005) (Ex-Engine 6184)
  • 1995 Spartan Diamond DA40T-2142 / G. Paoletti rescue (Ex-Squad 6150)
  • 1992 Spartan Gladiator GA41M-2142 / Hi-Tech pumper (1500/500/30A/30B) (SN#91302) (Ex-Engine 6183)
  • 1992 International 4800 4x4 / Yankee Type 3 wildland (SN#BME-0677524) (500/500) (Ex-Engine 6161) (Sold to Dunsmuir-Castella Fire Department)
  • 1990 Pierce Arrow aerial (-/-/105' rear-mount ladder) (SN#E5847) (Ex-Truck 62, ex-Truck 6151)
  • 1989 International 4800 / G. Paoletti Type 3 wildland (350/500/8A) (Ex-Engine 6162)
  • 1985 Hahn HCC / Van Pelt pumper (1500/500/30B) (SN#830695) (Ex-Engine 6182, ex-Engine 4)
  • 1979 Duplex D300 / Van Pelt pumper (1000/500/30B) (SN#727149) (Ex-Engine 6185)
  • 1975 Peterbilt 359A / Van Pelt pumper-tanker / 1996 Hi-Tech rehab (500/2700) (SN#725525) (Ex-Water Tender 6191)
  • 1973 International FleetStar / Van Pelt pumper (1000/500) (SN#723453) (Ex-Engine 24)
  • 1968 Crown Firecoach CPS125-85-56D aerial (1250/250/85' Snorkel) (SN#F-1518) (Ex-Truck 4) (Sold to Petaluma Fire Department)
  • 1947 Dodge PowerWagon (Sold to Skywalker Ranch Fire Brigade)
  • 1938 Dodge Power Wagon
  • 1923 Model T Ford (restored and preserved)

Station Map[]

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