Apparatus Roster[]
All pump/tank measurements are in US gallons.
Fire Station 1 (Headquarters) - 1286 Scales Avenue, Linda[]
- Battalion 250 - 2017 Ford F-150 4x4 w/ ARE canopy
- Engine 262 - 2006 International 7400 4x4 / West-Mark Type 3 wildland (500/500/18A)
- Engine 276 - 2001 HME 1871 / Westates (1250/800/20A)
- Water Tender 278 - 1993 Peterbilt 357 / Hi-Tech elliptical (1000/5000) (SN#92164)
- Engine 281 - 2019 Ford F-550 4x4 / Cascade Fire Type 6 wildland (180/400/10A)
- Cal OES 3101 (23715) - 2022 HME 1871-SFO SMFD Model 18 Type 1 (1500,100aux/800/20A) (SN#23715) (CA#1638457) (VIN#44KFT4285NWZ23715)
Fire Station 2 - 1595 Broadway Road, Arboga[]
- Engine 272 - 1987 Spartan Monarch MS20-2042 / Grumman (1500/750/8A/8B) (SN#17787) (Ex-Demonstrator)
- Reserve Engine - 1984 Ford C-8000 / Van Pelt (1250/500) (Ex-Engine 276)
Fire Station 3 - 1765 River Oaks Boulevard, Plumas Lake[]
- Engine 261 - 2002 International 4900 4x4 / West-Mark Type 3 wildland (500/500/18A)
- Engine 264 - 2006 International 7400 4x4 / West-Mark Type 3 wildland (500/500/18A) (SN#60579)
- Engine 273 - 2008 Spartan Gladiator / Hi-Tech (1500/750/20A)
- Engine 283 - 2021 Ford F-550 4x4 / Cascade Fire Type 6 wildland (180/400/10A)
Station/Assignment Unknown[]
- Cal OES Incident Support Unit 5263 - 2019 Freightliner M2 106 6x4 / Rosenbauer 30' walk-in communications/command center (SN#42395) (CA#1487541) (VIN#3ALHCYFE5KDKG2277)
- 2004 Spartan Gladiator GA41M-2142 / Hi-Tech (1500/750/20A) (SN#04124) (Ex-Engine 271)
Retired Apparatus[]
- 2007 HME 1871-SFO SMFD / Westates Type 1 (1000.100aux/750/20A) (HME SN#21229; Wes SN#00-810-02) (CA#1259016) (VIN#44KFT42847WZ21229) (OES 295; returned to OES)
- 1979 GMC 7000 / MBW (300+85/500) Type 3 wildland (Ex-Engine 275, ex-California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection)