Firefighting Wiki
DOE Hanford FD

The Hanford Fire Department (HFD) is an all hazards emergency response agency which provides emergency response support to the 586-square-mile Hanford Site in south central Washington.

Apparatus Roster[]

All pump/tank measurements are in US gallons.

Station 1 - Stevens Drive @ Alger Street[]

Station 2 -[]

Station 3 - Fast Flux Test Facility[]

Station/Assignment Unknown[]

Engine 1911 - 2001 Pierce Dash 2000 (SN#12343-01)
Engine 1912 - 2000 Pierce Dash 2000 (SN#10475-01)
Rescue 94 - 2021 Pierce Enforcer 6724 Command Cab walk-around (SN#34946)
Medic 1922 - 2015 Ram 4500 4x4 / Road Rescue
Engine 1931 - 2005 Oshkosh MTVR 6x6 / Pierce dryside tanker (500/2000) (SN#16659-01)
Engine 1932 - 2005 Oshkosh MTVR 6x6 / Pierce dryside tanker (500/2000) (SN#16659-02)
Engine 1934 - 2005 Oshkosh MTVR 6x6 / Pierce dryside tanker (500/2000) (SN#16659-03)
Engine 1953 (68B-2414) - Ford F-550
2020 Pierce Velocity quint (?/?/75' rear-mount) (SN#33817)
2007 Pierce Dash 2000 walk-around rescue (SN#18857)
2004 Oshkosh MTVR 6x6 / Pierce dryside tanker (500/2000) (SN#15759-01)
2004 Oshkosh MTVR 6x6 / Pierce dryside tanker (500/2000) (SN#15759-02)
2004 Oshkosh MTVR 6x6 / Pierce dryside tanker (500/2000) (SN#15759-03)

Retired Apparatus[]

2007 Pierce Dash 2000 pumper (?/?/61' Sky-Boom) (SN#19608)
2005 Pierce Dash 2000 aerial (?/?/85' rear-mount platform) (SN#16070)
1999 Pierce Dash 2000 pumper (SN#10475-02 or 01)
1999 Pierce Dash 2000 pumper (?/?/65' Tele-Squrt) (SN#EB971)
1994 Piece Arrow pumper (?/?/65' Tele-Squrt) (SN#E8294)
1983 International PayStar 5000 6x6 / Pirsch / FD-Built pumper (500/2000) (Transferred to Yakima Training Center Fire Department)
1982 International PayStar 5000 6x6 / Pirsch (500/2000) (Sold to Grant County Fire District 3 (Washington))

Station Map[]

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