Firefighting Wiki


The Cromwell Fire Department serves the Town of Cromwell, Connecticut. Located about 10 miles south of Hartford (and immediately north of Middletown) at the junction of Interstate 91 and Connecticut Route 9; Cromwell is a suburban community of 13,000, and has a variety of commercial, residential, and industrial development. They also respond to the TPC River Highlands golf course, which holds one of the events on the PGA Tour's Travelers Championship - the event, generally held in June, is a major draw to the area.

Apparatus Roster[]

All pump/tank measurements are in US gallons.

Court Street Station - 82 Court Street[]

Career staffed

Squad 1 - 2023 Pierce Enforcer 7010 PUC (1500/750/25F) (SN#37823)
Engine 3 (Reserve) - 2007 KME Predator (1250/750) (Ex-Engine 3, ex-Engine 1)
Ladder 3 - 2013 Pierce Impel (1500/500/75' rear-mount) (SN#26557)
Ambulance 10-11-4A - 2022 Ford F-550 4x4 / PL Custom Type I
Ambulance 10-11-4C - 2015 Ford F-450 / Life Line Type I
Chief - 2017 Ford Explorer

Coles Road Station - 105 Coles Road[]

Volunteer staffed (Also home to the Cromwell Fire District Water Department)

Engine 2 - 1998 KME Renegade (1250/750)
Utility 1 - 2006 Ford F-250 4x4 / Reading
Utility 2 - 2009 Dodge Ram 3500 4x4 brush (port/?) (Ex-Utility 3)
ATV - 2009 John Deere Gator 4x4
Antique - 1965 Mack C pumper (750/750)

West Street Station - 1 West Street[]

Volunteer staffed (Also the fire district offices)

Engine 1 - 2022 Pierce Enforcer 7010 (1250/750/20F) (SN#37271)
Utility 3 - 2007 Ford F-250 4x4 / Fouts Bros. walk-in (Ex-Utility 2)
Marine 11 - 2009 Alumicraft boat / Yamaha
Marine 11A - Inflatable boat
Ambulance 10-11-4B - 2010 Ford F-450 / Life Line Type I
Ambulance 10-11-4D - 199? Cushman? medical response golf cart

Retired Apparatus[]

2010 Ford F-450 / Life Line Type I ambulance
2007 Ford Expedition 4x4
2006 Ford E-350 / McCoy Miller Type II ambulance
2006 Ford E-350 / McCoy Miller Type II ambulance
2006 E-One Cyclone II MFD tandem aerial (2000/300/100' Bronto Skylift) (SN#130191) (Ex-Truck 1) (Sold 2024 to Mahone Bay and District Fire Department)
2000 Chevrolet Suburban K2500 (Ex-Staff 1)
200? Dodge Caravan (Ex-Fire Police 1)
1997 KME Renegade pumper (1250/750) (Ex-Engine 1, ex-Engine 4, ex-Tac 4)
1991 Simon-Duplex D500 / Saulsbury walk-in rescue (Sold to Evansville Fire Department (Tennessee))
1986 Ford F-350 / Pierce mini-pumper (200/400) (ex-Attack 1) (Sold to a dept. in PA)
1984 Mack CF 6x4 / Baker aerial (1500/-/75' Aerialscope) (Sold to Pine Bush Hook and Ladder Company No. 1)
1982 GMC / Yankee Coach step van equipment truck
1976 Mack CF pumper (1250/750) (Ex-Engine 9) (Donated to Yocum Creek Volunteer Fire Department)
1972 Mack CF pumper (750/500) (Ex-Engine 8) (Sold to private owner)
1970 International 1300 / Local brush (35/150)
1968 Chevrolet step van equipment truck (Ex-CT Light & Power)
1963 Mack B / 1959 Fruehauf tanker (500/6500 tractor-drawn) (Ex-Esso Oil Co.)
1954 Maxim 1417 pumper (750/800)
1946 Maxim 1417 pumper (500/500)
1945 Ford pumper (500/200)
1935 Pirsch Model 15 pumper (500/150) (SN#917) ((Ex-Wesleyan University Fire Brigade, ex-Middletown Fire Department (Connecticut))
1935 Chevrolet auxiliary truck (500/-)
1928 Maxim pumper (500/150)

External Links[]

Station Map[]

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