Firefighting Wiki
Firefighting Wiki


Burnet VFD is the contract service provider for Burnet County Emergency Services District 7.

Apparatus Roster[]

Fire Station - 104 South Rhomberg Street[]

Shared with Burnet Fire Department

Rescue 4331 - 2017 Ford F-550 4x4 / Maintainer Custom Bodies 12' walk-around
Pumper/Tender 4340 - 2017 International WorkStar 7600 6x4 (1000/3000)
Pumper/Tender 4341 - 2000 GMC C8500 / Westex (750/1000)
Brush 4350 - 2018 Cub Cadet 4x4 (?/100)
Brush 4351 - 2004 Ford F-550 4x4 (500/310)
Brush 4353 - 2005 Ford F-550 4x4 (500/400)
Brush 4355 - 2012 Ford F-550 4x4 (500/500)
Brush 4356 - 2000 BMY military pattern 5-ton 6x6 (500/1200)
Command 4360 - 2013 Ford F-350 4x4
Rehab 4365 - 2004 Ford E-450 / MedTec walk-in rescue (Ex-Ambulance)

Retired Apparatus[]

2011 Ford F-550 / Rosenbauer walk-around rescue (Totaled in a rollover accident)
1992 Ford F-800 / Becker pumper (750/1000) (SN#255)
199? Chevrolet Suburban 1500 4x4
1956 Ford F-750 pumper
AM General military pattern 6x6 brush (?/1200)
Chevrolet brush

External Links[]

Burnet Volunteer Fire Department