Firefighting Wiki

The Autocar company is an American manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks for severe-service use.


Autocar has changed ownership and names a number of times since its inception in 1897.

Brand Name Start Year End Year Notes
Autocar 1897 1953
White-Autocar 1954 1980 Acquired by Volvo in 1980.
Volvo-White 1981 1986 Volvo purchased General Motors heavy truck line in 1987.
Volvo-White-GMC 1987 2001 Volvo purchased Mack Trucks, then sold Xpeditor products, certain intellectual properties, and the Autocar brand itself to Grand Vehicle Works Holdings, LLC.
Autocar 2001 Present Autocar continues to operate as an independent company, wholly owned by GVW Holdings, LLC.



  • AT64F
  • AC Series (Construcktor 2 line which used the Xpeditor cab that had recently been launched by White.)
    • ACL
    • ACM
  • DC


  • ACMD Class 7 and 8, medium/heavy duty, severe-service cabover (Xpert line) (4x2 Class 7, 4x2 and 6x4 Class 8)
  • ACTT terminal tractor
  • ACX Class 8 severe-service cabover (4x2, 6x4 and 8x4 configurations)
  • DC (relaunched after line cancellation in 1970s.)
    • DC-64D (purpose-built for dump trucks, 6x4 configuration)
    • DC-64M (purpose built for concrete mixer trucks)
    • DC-64P (purpose built for concrete pump trucks)
    • DC-64R (purpose-built for refuse applications)
    • DC-84D (purpose-built for dump trucks, 8x4 configuration)

On May 13, 2021, Autocar announced the launch of the E-ACTT, a fully electric terminal tractor.

